
Female White-Collar Crime Divas-Mordern Day Thieves

Money for the dead!

SS checkThis is one of those cases where you have to place some of the blame on the government, not the crime, but for not having in place safe guards to prevent these situations from occurring.

Here is another Crime Divas, and if you have been following my posts, or my website:, you see the profile clearly. [If you are new to this blog scroll down to the first post, or go to the website for the profile]. Hazel Broussard, 52, was given two years in federal prison for one count of mail fraud, which evolved from a social security scheme she was involved in for over ’27’ years. Go to my site to read the story.

This is very interesting, because she could have been charged for every check she received, which was over 324 – one count for each, a count of social security fraud, identity theft, [the checks were for her uncle who died over ’27’ years prior and I’m sure during that time she had to falsify some forms to keep the checks coming], and bank fraud. So in actuality she could have been doing some very serious time behind bars. She must have had a good attorney, and of course, these cases are up for plea agreements/deals.

These kind of illegal cases are going to come to the surface, it’s just a matter of time. This reminds me of a story about social security fraud that I’m sure you will find a good read, [Check out this eBook: The Check-by DeVine. It’s available free on to Kindle Prime readers and a small fee to others, here is the link:
As I mentioned in my mission statement this is about informing, preventing, and healing. Please keep that in mind as you read these posts.

What do you think about people that would do this? Why do you think they do, beyond the greed factors? Do you think Hazel got the time she deserved? Why do you think the government do not have better security measures in place to prevent these over sites; that is, being automatically alerted through the modern use of computers of deaths. These death are public records and available online?
Please feel free to share anything else on your mind!

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